Noduino OpenOnoff

来自Jack's Lab
跳转到: 导航, 搜索
第2行: 第2行:
[[文件:Open-onoff-3.jpg | 600px]]
[[文件:Open-onoff-3.jpg | 600px]]
[[文件:Open-onoff-2.jpg | 600px]]
[[文件:Open-onoff-2.jpg | 600px]]
* 110V - 220V General Power Switch
* AC 85V - 250V General Power Switch
* ESP8285 inside
* ESP8285 inside
* 250V 10A relay
* 250V 10A relay
* Mainboard size 53mm x 28mm x 17.8mm(H)
* Shell size 63mm x 33mm x 21mm(H)
[[文件:Noduino-works-with-logo.png | 600px]]
第18行: 第20行:
[[文件:Open-onoff-4-en.jpg | 600px]]
[[文件:Open-onoff-4-en.jpg | 600px]]
We need the WeChat to setup the OpenOnoff :)
* Power off, put the controller join circuit.
* Link OUTPUT port to the lamp or other electrical appliances under 1KW.
* Check the connection since it's 220V/110V. It would be best to reinforce the connection points with home insulation tape.
* Link INPUT port to the home electric supply. (Be Careful, suggest to off the home main breaker)
* Power on, controller will be waiting for network connection with indicator light flash slowly. (If there is no flash or flash quickly, please press the button for 10sec)
* Mobile connect to WiFi, scan the QR code in WeChat to connect network.
* Enter WiFi password, waiting for network connection. (P.S. only 2.4G WiFi is applicable, 5G WiFi and Enterprise - level security certifications are not supportable.)
* Finish WiFi configuration, WeChat will be in LAN devices matching mode with devices list visible.
* Click the first device then press "Link Device" button to bind the device. (P.S. if the device has been binding, then the button at bottom is "Enter Official Account"
* Finish above steps, please press "Enter Official Account" button then click "My Device" button to find your binding devices list. Click the device to enter control page.
If more people need to control the device, please connect to the same router and scan the same QR code while the device is power on.  Click "Device connected and skip" -> "Link Device"->"Enter Official Account" to control smart devices
* Press the button momentarily, manual switch controller
* Press the button 8sec, restore the factory settings.
== Open API ==
== Open API ==
Afer you guys 'Link Device' in WeChat, Enter Official Account:
* click "Devices" to list your binding devices
* select your OpenPlug in the list, enter control page, click upright corner, then Copy URL
* paste the URL into web browser (Chrome or Safari) to access the control page in browser
* check the source code of the page to get the following variables:
<source lang=php>
var devid = YOUR_DEVICE_ID;
var mqtt_uname = xxxxxxxx;
=== Go ===
==== Prepare ====
Prepare  the Go lang:
<source lang=bash>
$ sudo apt-get install golang-go
$ sudo apt-get install golang-eclipse-paho-dev
$ export GOPATH=/usr/share/gocode
Refer to:
==== Turn On/Off ====
<source lang=cpp>
package main
import (
//define a function for the default message handler
var f MQTT.MessageHandler = func(client *MQTT.Client, msg MQTT.Message) {
fmt.Printf("TOPIC: %s\n", msg.Topic())
fmt.Printf("MSG: %s\n", msg.Payload())
var uid string = "YOUR_mqtt_uname"
func main() {
if len(os.Args[1:]) >= 2 {
devid := os.Args[1]
cmd := os.Args[2]
msg := ""
if cmd == "on" {
msg = "on"
} else if cmd == "off" {
msg = "off"
} else if cmd == "ota" {
msg = "ota"
pass := get_token(uid)
send_msg(devid, msg, pass)
} else {
func help_msg() {
fmt.Println("Supported cmd:")
fmt.Println("\topenonoff dev_id on")
fmt.Println("\topenonoff dev_id off")
fmt.Println("\topenonoff dev_id ota")
func send_msg(devid string, msg string, pass string) {
opts := MQTT.NewClientOptions().AddBroker("tcp://")
opts.SetClientID("cid_" + devid)
c := MQTT.NewClient(opts)
if token := c.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
mqtt_tx_topic := "app2dev/" + devid
token := c.Publish(mqtt_tx_topic, 0, false, msg)
func get_token(user_id string) (string) {
url := ""
type Body struct {
UID string `json:"user_id"`
var body = Body {
UID: user_id,
data, err := json.Marshal(body)
if err == nil {
resp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", strings.NewReader(string(data)))
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
var v map[string]interface{}
if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
} else {
if val, ok := v["user_token"].(string); ok {
return val
return ""
<source lang=bash>
$ go build openonoff.go
$ ./openonoff MKD12343405300  on
$ ./openonoff MKD12343405300  off
==== OTA ====
<source lang=bash>
$ ./openonoff MKD12343405300  ota
=== node.js ===
==== Prepare ====
Download the node-v6.9.1-xxx.tgz from
<source lang=bash>
$ tar xf node-v6.9.1-*.tar.xz
$ sudo cp -a node-v6.9.1*/*  /usr/local/
$ sudo npm install -g MQTTClient
$ sudo npm install -g request
==== Turn off ====
Turn off the plug throught node.js:
* replace the mqtt_uname in line 6
* replace the devid in line 7
<source lang=javascript>
$ cat switch.js
#! /usr/bin/env node
// replace it to yours
var mqtt_uname = "o7okr76757879RfhBs_AA339";    <---- YOUR_mqtt_uname
var devid = "MJD123456789012";                  <---- YOUR_devid
var opt = {
username: mqtt_uname,
password: ""
var mqtt_tx_topic = 'app2dev/' + devid
var args = process.argv.slice(2);
var set_state = args[0];
if (set_state != 'on' && set_state != 'off') {
console.log("Supported cmd:");
console.log("\tswitch.js on");
console.log("\tswitch.js off");
console.log("st = " + set_state);
var http_req = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/request');
{ json: {user_id: opt.username} },
function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
opt.password = body.user_token;
var MQTTClient = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/MQTTClient').Client;
var client = new MQTTClient('', 1883, opt);
client.connect(function () {
console.log("connect ok!");
var pubopt = {
qos_level:  2
client.publish(mqtt_tx_topic, set_state, pubopt, function (message_id) {
console.log("public ok! message_id = " + message_id);
} else {
console.log("Request the user token failed");
$ ./switch.js off
==== Turn On ====
Turn on the plug:
<source lang=bash>
$ ./switch.js on
==== Debug ====
<font color=red><b>If you get the following error:</b></font>
<source lang=bash>
throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
Error: user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer
Please patch the /usr/local/lib/node_modules/MQTTClient/client.js to remove the line of checking the length of username and password:
<source lang=bash>
--- a/client.js
+++ b/client.js
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ var Client = exports.Client = function (host, port, options) {
                options.alive_timer = 30;
        options.ping_timer = parseInt(options.alive_timer * 0.6 * 1000);
        // 用户名和密码
-      if (typeof options.username == 'string' && options.username.length > 12)
-              throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
-      if (typeof options.password == 'string' && options.password.length > 12)
-              throw Error('passwords are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
+      //if (typeof options.username == 'string' && options.username.length > 12)
+      //      throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
+      //if (typeof options.password == 'string' && options.password.length > 12)
+      //      throw Error('passwords are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
        // Will flag
        if (options.will_flag && (typeof options.will_topic != 'string' || typeof options.will_message != 'string'))
                throw Error('missing will_topic or will_message when will_flag is set');
=== python ===
==== Prepare ====
<source lang=bash>
$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.3rc1
$ pip3 install paho-mqtt
Collecting paho-mqtt
  Downloading paho-mqtt-1.2.tar.gz (49kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 308kB/s
Building wheels for collected packages: paho-mqtt
  Running bdist_wheel for paho-mqtt ... done
  Stored in directory: /home/comcat/.cache/pip/wheels/fa/db/fb/b495e37057e2f40534726b3c00ab26a58fc80fb8d17223df07
Successfully built paho-mqtt
Installing collected packages: paho-mqtt
Successfully installed paho-mqtt-1.2
More infor:
==== Turn off ====
* replace the mqtt_uname in line 10
* replace the devid in line 11
<source lang=python>
$ cat
import json, requests
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import sys
# replace it to your id
mqtt_uname = 'o7okr76757879RfhBs_XM339'    <---- YOUR_mqtt_uname
devid = 'MJD123456789012'                  <---- YOUR_devid
def help_msg():
    print("Supported cmd:")
    print("\ on")
    print("\ off")
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    set_state = sys.argv[1]
if set_state != 'on' and set_state != 'off':
url = ''
dat = dict (
        user_id = mqtt_uname,
    resp = = url, json = dat)
except Exception as e:
p = resp.json()
mqtt_pass = p['user_token']
mqtt_rx_topic = 'dev2app/' + devid
mqtt_tx_topic = 'app2dev/' + devid
mqtt_host = ''
mqtt_port = 1883
mqtt_msg = set_state
def on_connect(client, u_dat, rc):
    if rc == 0:
        print("Connected successfully")
        print("Connection failed. rc = "+str(rc))
def on_publish(client, u_dat, rc):
    print("Message "+str(rc)+" published.")
def on_subscribe(client, u_dat, mid, qos):
    print("Subscribe with "+str(mid)+" received")
def on_message(client, udat, msg):
    print("Message received on topic "+msg.topic+" and payload "+str(msg.payload))
mqttc = mqtt.Client()
mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
mqttc.on_publish = on_publish
mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
mqttc.on_message = on_message
mqttc.username_pw_set(mqtt_uname, mqtt_pass)
mqttc.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port)
mqttc.publish(mqtt_tx_topic, mqtt_msg)
<source lang=bash>
$ ./ off
==== Turn On ====
Turn on the plug:
<source lang=bash>
$ ./ on
=== HTML5 ===
The device control page in WeChat is a H5 page. Using a MQTT  client implement in javascript , using the mqttws31.js library:
<source lang=javascript>
var client_id = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000, 10) + '_' + mqtt_uname;
var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(mqtt_server, mqtt_port, "/mqtt", client_id);
var state = 0;
function failConnect(e) {
console.log("connect failed");
console.log("reconnecting ...");
client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
function onConnect() {
console.log("onConnect OK!");
subscribe('dev2app/' + devid);
function subscribe(topic) {
function onMessageArrived (message) {
// MQTT message from device example: {"m":"status","d":"on","t":"2015-12-30T00:00:00+08:00"}
console.log("Arrived Message: [", message.payloadString, "]");
try {
job = JSON.parse(message.payloadString);
state = job.d;
} catch(e) {
console.log("JSON object error!");
alert("JSON error, RX data is: " + message.payloadString);
if(state == 'on') {
} else if (state == 'off') {
function onDisConnect() {
console.log("reconnecting ...");
client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
function publish(topic, msg){
message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(msg);
message.destinationName = topic;
console.log("publish message ok!");
function init() {
client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
client.onConnectionLost = onDisConnect;
function toggle()
//console.log("toggle_devid = " + devid);
var p_topic = "app2dev/" + devid;
if($('#switch').hasClass('btn_off')) {
//console.log("toggle off, topic = " + p_topic);
publish(p_topic, "on");
} else if ($('#switch').hasClass('btn_on')) {
//console.log("toggle off, topic = " + p_topic);
publish(p_topic, "off");
== Open API (HTTP in LAN) ==
<b style="color:#f00">Note: the device security policy using the WiFi router's password, that is: the users who are authorized to connect to the WiFi router, is a trusted user</b>
Device start a HTTP service by default. You can send the following HTTP request to turn on or turn off the device. This way independent of MQTT cloud service can be used in local area network when you don't want to make device access Internet.
=== Get the device IP ===
You can use the Fing app in iOS to scan the LAN network.
The device named '''Espressif''' is your OpenPlug device:
[[文件:Fing-lan-scan.png | 400px]]
=== Turn On via HTTP in LAN ===
 + is the openplug device IP
Turn On:
<source lang=bash>
$ cat plug-on.txt
POST /upnp/control/basicevent1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: 83
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Body><BinaryState>1</BinaryState></s:Body>
$ cat plug-on.txt | nc 80
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: lwIP/1.4.0
Content-type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
=== Turn Off via HTTP in LAN ===
 + is the openplug device IP
Turn Off:
<source lang=bash>
$ cat plug-off.txt
POST /upnp/control/basicevent1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: 83
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Body><BinaryState>0</BinaryState></s:Body>
$ cat plug-off.txt | nc 80
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: lwIP/1.4.0
Content-type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
== HomeBridge ==
To use the Siri to control the device :)
== Alexa ==
'''Support Amazon Alexa:'''
=== Discover ===
[[文件:Alexa-noduino-discove.png | 500px]]
=== Turn On ===
Note that the default voice name of OpenOnoff is 'open switch'
[[文件:Alexa-openplug-turnon.png | 500px]]
=== Turn Off ===
Note that the default voice name of OpenOnoff is 'open switch'
[[文件:Alexa-openplug-turnoff.png | 500px]]
=== Debug ===
UPNP discovery:
<source lang=bash>
comcat@jackslab:/work/alexa/test$ cat dis.txt
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
ST: urn:Belkin:device:**
MX: 3
comcat@jackslab:/work/alexa/test$ socat -T1 STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM: < dis.txt
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=86400
SERVER: Noduino/1.0 UPNP/1.1 OpenPlug/2.0
USN: uuid:38323636-4558-4dda-9188-cda0810b2e50
ST: urn:Belkin:device:**
== Hacking ==
== Hacking ==
=== Prepare firmware ===
Get noduino-sdk:
Get noduino-sdk:
<source lang=bash>
<source lang=bash>
$ git clone --recursive git:// noduino-sdk
$ git clone --recursive git:// noduino-sdk
第41行: 第701行:
Compile the firmware:
Compile firmware of Open Onoff:
<source lang=bash>
<source lang=bash>
第50行: 第709行:
The generated firmware is located in build/ dir named user1.bin annnd user2.bin
Window environment please refer to [[Getting Started with Noduino SDK on Windows]], you can get how to setup the basic developmennt environment
=== Upload ===
==== Serial ====
Same as OpenPlug, you can refer to the OpenPlug example:
[[文件:Openplug-fw-upload.jpg | 800px]]
[[文件:Ft232.jpg | 800px]]
* USB2UART_GND ------> SmartNode_GPIO0
* USB2UAR_GND -----> SmartNode_GND
* USB2UAR_RXD -----> SmartNode_TX
* USB2UAR_TXD -----> SmartNode_RX
Connect USB2UAR_VCC3.3 -----> SmartNode_VCC at last
ESP8285 will be enter upload mode, we can upload the compiled firmware through serial using following commands in Linux:
<source lang=bash>
$ cd /path/to/noduino-sdk/sketch/open-onoff
$ make produce ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
In windows:
<source lang=bash>
$ make produce ESPPORT=COM7
COM7 is your USB2UART device
In MAC OS, maybe it's:
<source lang=bash>
$ make produce ESPPORT=/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART is your USB2UART device
==== Online ====
;; Access:
;; Login:
* Username: noduino
* password: noduino1234
;; Click the "Add files", select the user1.bin and user2.bin located in /path/to/noduino-sdk/sketch/open-onoff/build/
;; Then click "Start upload" to upload the user1.bin and user2.bin into the server temporaily
;; Enter Official Account, then click "Add" menu, enter "Debug" page
[[文件:Maike-upload-online-1.jpg | 450px]]
;; Select your device and the input "ota" in the data aera then click "send data"
[[文件:Maike-upload-online-2.jpg | 450px]]
Device will download your user1.bin or user2.bin and write it into flash when the device received the "ota" message
You will see the device online message in the Debug page when the uploading is finished
== Hardware ==
[[文件:OpenOnoff-V1.0-sch.png | 900px]]
== Reference ==
;;For more information please refer to:
* [[Noduino]]
* Github:

2018年10月4日 (四) 14:03的最后版本


[编辑] 1 Overview

Open-onoff-3.jpg Open-onoff-2.jpg

  • AC 85V - 250V General Power Switch
  • ESP8285 inside
  • 250V 10A relay
  • Mainboard size 53mm x 28mm x 17.8mm(H)
  • Shell size 63mm x 33mm x 21mm(H)


[编辑] 2 Quick Start



We need the WeChat to setup the OpenOnoff :)

  • Power off, put the controller join circuit.
  • Link OUTPUT port to the lamp or other electrical appliances under 1KW.
  • Check the connection since it's 220V/110V. It would be best to reinforce the connection points with home insulation tape.
  • Link INPUT port to the home electric supply. (Be Careful, suggest to off the home main breaker)
  • Power on, controller will be waiting for network connection with indicator light flash slowly. (If there is no flash or flash quickly, please press the button for 10sec)
  • Mobile connect to WiFi, scan the QR code in WeChat to connect network.
  • Enter WiFi password, waiting for network connection. (P.S. only 2.4G WiFi is applicable, 5G WiFi and Enterprise - level security certifications are not supportable.)
  • Finish WiFi configuration, WeChat will be in LAN devices matching mode with devices list visible.
  • Click the first device then press "Link Device" button to bind the device. (P.S. if the device has been binding, then the button at bottom is "Enter Official Account"
  • Finish above steps, please press "Enter Official Account" button then click "My Device" button to find your binding devices list. Click the device to enter control page.

If more people need to control the device, please connect to the same router and scan the same QR code while the device is power on. Click "Device connected and skip" -> "Link Device"->"Enter Official Account" to control smart devices

  • Press the button momentarily, manual switch controller
  • Press the button 8sec, restore the factory settings.

[编辑] 3 Open API

Afer you guys 'Link Device' in WeChat, Enter Official Account:

  • click "Devices" to list your binding devices
  • select your OpenPlug in the list, enter control page, click upright corner, then Copy URL
  • paste the URL into web browser (Chrome or Safari) to access the control page in browser
  • check the source code of the page to get the following variables:

var devid = YOUR_DEVICE_ID;
var mqtt_uname = xxxxxxxx;

[编辑] 3.1 Go

[编辑] 3.1.1 Prepare

Prepare the Go lang:

$ sudo apt-get install golang-go
$ sudo apt-get install golang-eclipse-paho-dev
$ export GOPATH=/usr/share/gocode

Refer to:

[编辑] 3.1.2 Turn On/Off

package main

import (
	MQTT ""

//define a function for the default message handler
var f MQTT.MessageHandler = func(client *MQTT.Client, msg MQTT.Message) {
	fmt.Printf("TOPIC: %s\n", msg.Topic())
	fmt.Printf("MSG: %s\n", msg.Payload())

var uid string = "YOUR_mqtt_uname"

func main() {
	if len(os.Args[1:]) >= 2 {

		devid := os.Args[1]
		cmd := os.Args[2]
		msg := ""

		if cmd == "on" {
			msg = "on"
		} else if cmd == "off" {
			msg = "off"
		} else if cmd == "ota" {
			msg = "ota"

		pass := get_token(uid)
		send_msg(devid, msg, pass)

	} else {

func help_msg() {
	fmt.Println("Supported cmd:")
	fmt.Println("\topenonoff dev_id on")
	fmt.Println("\topenonoff dev_id off")
	fmt.Println("\topenonoff dev_id ota")

func send_msg(devid string, msg string, pass string) {

		opts := MQTT.NewClientOptions().AddBroker("tcp://")
		opts.SetClientID("cid_" + devid)

		c := MQTT.NewClient(opts)
		if token := c.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {

		mqtt_tx_topic := "app2dev/" + devid

		token := c.Publish(mqtt_tx_topic, 0, false, msg)

func get_token(user_id string) (string) {
	url := ""

	type Body struct {
		UID string `json:"user_id"`

	var body = Body {
		UID: user_id,

	data, err := json.Marshal(body)

	if err == nil {
		resp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", strings.NewReader(string(data)))
		if err != nil {
		defer resp.Body.Close()

		dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
		var v map[string]interface{}
		if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
		} else {
			if val, ok := v["user_token"].(string); ok {
				return val

	return ""

$ go build openonoff.go
$ ./openonoff MKD12343405300  on
$ ./openonoff MKD12343405300  off

[编辑] 3.1.3 OTA

$ ./openonoff MKD12343405300  ota

[编辑] 3.2 node.js

[编辑] 3.2.1 Prepare

Download the node-v6.9.1-xxx.tgz from

$ tar xf node-v6.9.1-*.tar.xz
$ sudo cp -a node-v6.9.1*/*  /usr/local/
$ sudo npm install -g MQTTClient
$ sudo npm install -g request

[编辑] 3.2.2 Turn off

Turn off the plug throught node.js:

  • replace the mqtt_uname in line 6
  • replace the devid in line 7
$ cat switch.js
#! /usr/bin/env node

// replace it to yours
var mqtt_uname = "o7okr76757879RfhBs_AA339";     <---- YOUR_mqtt_uname
var devid = "MJD123456789012";                   <---- YOUR_devid

var opt = {
	username: mqtt_uname,
	password: ""

var mqtt_tx_topic = 'app2dev/' + devid

var args = process.argv.slice(2);
var set_state = args[0];

if (set_state != 'on' && set_state != 'off') {
	console.log("Supported cmd:");
	console.log("\tswitch.js on");
	console.log("\tswitch.js off");

console.log("st = " + set_state);

var http_req = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/request');
	{ json: {user_id: opt.username} },
	function (error, response, body) {
		if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

			opt.password = body.user_token;

			var MQTTClient = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/MQTTClient').Client;
			var client = new MQTTClient('', 1883, opt);
			client.connect(function () {
				console.log("connect ok!");

				var pubopt = {
					qos_level:  2

				client.publish(mqtt_tx_topic, set_state, pubopt, function (message_id) {
					console.log("public ok! message_id = " + message_id);
		} else {
			console.log("Request the user token failed");

$ ./switch.js off

[编辑] 3.2.3 Turn On

Turn on the plug:

$ ./switch.js on

[编辑] 3.2.4 Debug

If you get the following error:

		throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');

Error: user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer

Please patch the /usr/local/lib/node_modules/MQTTClient/client.js to remove the line of checking the length of username and password:

--- a/client.js
+++ b/client.js
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ var Client = exports.Client = function (host, port, options) {
                options.alive_timer = 30;
        options.ping_timer = parseInt(options.alive_timer * 0.6 * 1000);
        // 用户名和密码
-       if (typeof options.username == 'string' && options.username.length > 12)
-               throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
-       if (typeof options.password == 'string' && options.password.length > 12)
-               throw Error('passwords are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
+       //if (typeof options.username == 'string' && options.username.length > 12)
+       //      throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
+       //if (typeof options.password == 'string' && options.password.length > 12)
+       //      throw Error('passwords are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
        // Will flag
        if (options.will_flag && (typeof options.will_topic != 'string' || typeof options.will_message != 'string'))
                throw Error('missing will_topic or will_message when will_flag is set');

[编辑] 3.3 python

[编辑] 3.3.1 Prepare

$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.3rc1

$ pip3 install paho-mqtt
Collecting paho-mqtt
  Downloading paho-mqtt-1.2.tar.gz (49kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 308kB/s 
Building wheels for collected packages: paho-mqtt
  Running bdist_wheel for paho-mqtt ... done
  Stored in directory: /home/comcat/.cache/pip/wheels/fa/db/fb/b495e37057e2f40534726b3c00ab26a58fc80fb8d17223df07
Successfully built paho-mqtt
Installing collected packages: paho-mqtt
Successfully installed paho-mqtt-1.2

More infor:

[编辑] 3.3.2 Turn off

  • replace the mqtt_uname in line 10
  • replace the devid in line 11
$ cat

import json, requests
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import sys

# replace it to your id
mqtt_uname = 'o7okr76757879RfhBs_XM339'     <---- YOUR_mqtt_uname
devid = 'MJD123456789012'                   <---- YOUR_devid

def help_msg():
    print("Supported cmd:")
    print("\ on")
    print("\ off")

if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    set_state = sys.argv[1]

if set_state != 'on' and set_state != 'off':

url = ''

dat = dict (
        user_id = mqtt_uname,

    resp = = url, json = dat)
except Exception as e:

p = resp.json()
mqtt_pass = p['user_token']

mqtt_rx_topic = 'dev2app/' + devid
mqtt_tx_topic = 'app2dev/' + devid

mqtt_host = ''
mqtt_port = 1883
mqtt_msg = set_state

def on_connect(client, u_dat, rc):
    if rc == 0:
        print("Connected successfully")
        print("Connection failed. rc = "+str(rc))

def on_publish(client, u_dat, rc):
    print("Message "+str(rc)+" published.")

def on_subscribe(client, u_dat, mid, qos):
    print("Subscribe with "+str(mid)+" received")

def on_message(client, udat, msg):
    print("Message received on topic "+msg.topic+" and payload "+str(msg.payload))

mqttc = mqtt.Client()

mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
mqttc.on_publish = on_publish
mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
mqttc.on_message = on_message

mqttc.username_pw_set(mqtt_uname, mqtt_pass)
mqttc.connect(mqtt_host, mqtt_port)

mqttc.publish(mqtt_tx_topic, mqtt_msg)


$ ./ off

[编辑] 3.3.3 Turn On

Turn on the plug:

$ ./ on

[编辑] 3.4 HTML5

The device control page in WeChat is a H5 page. Using a MQTT client implement in javascript , using the mqttws31.js library:

var client_id = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000, 10) + '_' + mqtt_uname;
var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(mqtt_server, mqtt_port, "/mqtt", client_id);
var state = 0;
function failConnect(e) {
	console.log("connect failed");
	console.log("reconnecting ...");
	client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
function onConnect() {
	console.log("onConnect OK!");
	subscribe('dev2app/' + devid);
function subscribe(topic) {
function onMessageArrived (message) {
	// MQTT message from device example: {"m":"status","d":"on","t":"2015-12-30T00:00:00+08:00"}
	console.log("Arrived Message: [", message.payloadString, "]");
	try {
		job = JSON.parse(message.payloadString);
		state = job.d;
	} catch(e) {
		console.log("JSON object error!");
		alert("JSON error, RX data is: " + message.payloadString);
	if(state == 'on') {
	} else if (state == 'off') {
function onDisConnect() {
	console.log("reconnecting ...");
	client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
function publish(topic, msg){
	message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(msg);
	message.destinationName = topic;
	console.log("publish message ok!");
function init() {
	client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
	client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
	client.onConnectionLost = onDisConnect;
function toggle()
	//console.log("toggle_devid = " + devid);
	var p_topic = "app2dev/" + devid;
	if($('#switch').hasClass('btn_off')) {
		//console.log("toggle off, topic = " + p_topic);
		publish(p_topic, "on");
	} else if ($('#switch').hasClass('btn_on')) {
		//console.log("toggle off, topic = " + p_topic);
		publish(p_topic, "off");

[编辑] 4 Open API (HTTP in LAN)

Note: the device security policy using the WiFi router's password, that is: the users who are authorized to connect to the WiFi router, is a trusted user

Device start a HTTP service by default. You can send the following HTTP request to turn on or turn off the device. This way independent of MQTT cloud service can be used in local area network when you don't want to make device access Internet.

[编辑] 4.1 Get the device IP

You can use the Fing app in iOS to scan the LAN network.

The device named Espressif is your OpenPlug device:


[编辑] 4.2 Turn On via HTTP in LAN is the openplug device IP

Turn On:

$ cat plug-on.txt 
POST /upnp/control/basicevent1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: 83

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Body><BinaryState>1</BinaryState></s:Body>
$ cat plug-on.txt | nc 80
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: lwIP/1.4.0
Content-type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

[编辑] 4.3 Turn Off via HTTP in LAN is the openplug device IP

Turn Off:

$ cat plug-off.txt 
POST /upnp/control/basicevent1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: 83

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Body><BinaryState>0</BinaryState></s:Body>
$ cat plug-off.txt | nc 80
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: lwIP/1.4.0
Content-type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

[编辑] 5 HomeBridge

To use the Siri to control the device :)

[编辑] 6 Alexa

Support Amazon Alexa:

[编辑] 6.1 Discover


[编辑] 6.2 Turn On

Note that the default voice name of OpenOnoff is 'open switch'


[编辑] 6.3 Turn Off

Note that the default voice name of OpenOnoff is 'open switch'


[编辑] 6.4 Debug

UPNP discovery:

comcat@jackslab:/work/alexa/test$ cat dis.txt 
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
ST: urn:Belkin:device:**
MX: 3
comcat@jackslab:/work/alexa/test$ socat -T1 STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM: < dis.txt 
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=86400
SERVER: Noduino/1.0 UPNP/1.1 OpenPlug/2.0
USN: uuid:38323636-4558-4dda-9188-cda0810b2e50
ST: urn:Belkin:device:**

[编辑] 7 Hacking

[编辑] 7.1 Prepare firmware

Get noduino-sdk:

$ git clone --recursive git:// noduino-sdk

Generate toolchain (you need Python 2.7):

$ cd noduino-sdk/toolchain
$ ./

Compile the firmware:

$ cd ../sketch/open-onoff
$ make

The generated firmware is located in build/ dir named user1.bin annnd user2.bin

Window environment please refer to Getting Started with Noduino SDK on Windows, you can get how to setup the basic developmennt environment

[编辑] 7.2 Upload

[编辑] 7.2.1 Serial

Same as OpenPlug, you can refer to the OpenPlug example:



  • USB2UART_GND ------> SmartNode_GPIO0
  • USB2UAR_GND -----> SmartNode_GND
  • USB2UAR_RXD -----> SmartNode_TX
  • USB2UAR_TXD -----> SmartNode_RX

Connect USB2UAR_VCC3.3 -----> SmartNode_VCC at last

ESP8285 will be enter upload mode, we can upload the compiled firmware through serial using following commands in Linux:

$ cd /path/to/noduino-sdk/sketch/open-onoff
$ make produce ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0

In windows:

$ make produce ESPPORT=COM7

COM7 is your USB2UART device

In MAC OS, maybe it's:

$ make produce ESPPORT=/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART is your USB2UART device

[编辑] 7.2.2 Online


  • Username: noduino
  • password: noduino1234

Click the "Add files", select the user1.bin and user2.bin located in /path/to/noduino-sdk/sketch/open-onoff/build/

Then click "Start upload" to upload the user1.bin and user2.bin into the server temporaily

Enter Official Account, then click "Add" menu, enter "Debug" page


Select your device and the input "ota" in the data aera then click "send data"


Device will download your user1.bin or user2.bin and write it into flash when the device received the "ota" message

You will see the device online message in the Debug page when the uploading is finished

[编辑] 8 Hardware



[编辑] 9 Reference

For more information please refer to

