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Horizontal Driver is semi software. Based on dual high-speed MOSFET driver MAX4428 which contains one inverting and one non-inverting section. It drives 6 volts to CCD in counterphase. In future releases I think ill replace it with specialized ISL55111 chip.
Horizontal Driver is semi software. Based on dual high-speed MOSFET driver MAX4428 which contains one inverting and one non-inverting section. It drives 6 volts to CCD in counterphase. In future releases I think ill replace it with specialized ISL55111 chip.
Camera uses several power supplies (LDO/DC-DC) and runs from 12V PS.
* 2 LP2985-33 for FT2232 and shift registers
* 2 LP2985-50 for ADC digital and analog supply
* 1 LM2937-50 for DC-DC bias PS and nor-gate
* 1 AD3336ARMZ with 6 Volt for horizontal register
* 1 TPS65130 for -8/+15 for CCD bias supply
* FT2232 have ability to be self powered, but currently it runs from VBUS

2021年5月17日 (一) 17:15的版本


1 cam86

CCD camera based on ICX453AQ chip. This chip is also used in astro camera QHY8PRO.

  • Camera resolution is 3000×2000 = 6Mpx
  • Square pixel 7.8 x 7.8um
  • 16bit ADC with CDS
  • Color RGB Bayer
  • 28.4 mm diagonal
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • Readout time is ±2s

This camera is based on FT2232H chip working in bit-bang mode, so no need to compile firmware or programming MCU. FT2232H allows to create 2 USB slave high speed devices(one for controlling camera, second for downloading image).

ADC – AD9826. Complete 16-bit Imaging Signal Processor with gain(0..63) and offset (-127 ..+127) control.

Vertical CCD Driver (Sony CXD1267) is controlled through shift register 74HC595.

Horizontal Driver is semi software. Based on dual high-speed MOSFET driver MAX4428 which contains one inverting and one non-inverting section. It drives 6 volts to CCD in counterphase. In future releases I think ill replace it with specialized ISL55111 chip.

Camera uses several power supplies (LDO/DC-DC) and runs from 12V PS.

  • 2 LP2985-33 for FT2232 and shift registers
  • 2 LP2985-50 for ADC digital and analog supply
  • 1 LM2937-50 for DC-DC bias PS and nor-gate
  • 1 AD3336ARMZ with 6 Volt for horizontal register
  • 1 TPS65130 for -8/+15 for CCD bias supply
  • FT2232 have ability to be self powered, but currently it runs from VBUS

2 Overview

CCD 前七大厂商皆为日系厂商,占据全球 98.5% 的市场份额

美国集成电路研究调查公司数据显示,2018 年全 球CMOS 图像传感器出货额年增 1 成以上,且预估 2019 年将年增 8.5%。到了 2022 年,图像传感器市场将成长至 190 亿美元,将较 2018 年的预估值大增近 4 成。

2019年,英国调查机构IHS Markit发布了一份 CMOS 图像传感器调查报告:

  • 索尼占据了全球 50.1% 的市场份额,其产品涵盖各个消费类电子到汽车、安防、工业等各类行业应用,主攻高端市场。
  • 三星电子市场占有率 20.5%,主攻消费类电子市场,在技术上紧追索尼,可提供与索尼同级别的 CMOS 传感器。三星的行业级应用较少。
  • 第三 豪威科技 (OmniVision) 市场占有率 11.5% 。其在行业应用上有多年积累,尤其是在车载领域,市占率甚至高于索尼。豪威与三星占据安防图像传感器领域的大半江山。在 19 年 6 月已被我国韦尔股份全资收购
  • 第四 美国安森美半导体 5.6%
  • 第五 韩国 SK 海力士 2.6%

上述五家企业市场总份额占比超过90%,2019 年的出货额高达 120 亿美元,同比增长 5.1%


3 CCD vs. CMOS

3.1 ISO 感光度

CMOS 每个像素都包含 放大和 ADC,这些占据了一些感光区,因此在相同像素下,同样大小的感光器尺寸,CMOS 的感光度会低于 CCD

3.2 分辨率

CMOS 每个像素的结构比 CCD 复杂,其感光开口没有 CCD 大,同尺寸 CCD 和 CMOS,CCD 分辨率会优于 CMOS

但是如果跳脱尺寸限制,目前业界 CMOS 的像素越来越高,早已克服 CCD 大尺寸感光原件的制造困难,CMOS 的像素量远超 CCD 的像素量,当前 CMOS 的量率优势可以克服其分辨率弱势

3.3 噪声

CMOS 每个像素都有一个 ADC,千万像素就有千万个 ADC,因为个体差异,很难达到放大同步的效果,最终计算出的噪声就较多

CCD 只有一个 ADC,易于修正同步。。。

4 Reference

