ESP32 RTC External Wakeup

来自Jack's Lab
2016年12月4日 (日) 00:08Comcat (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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1 Overview


2 Quick Start

In Linux:

2.1 Install ESP-IDF

$ sudo apt-get install git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-serial
$ wget
$ mkdir -p toolchain
$ tar zxf xtensa-esp32-elf-linux32-1.22.0-59.tar.gz -C toolchain
$ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/toolchain/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin
$ git clone --recursive git://
$ export IDF_PATH=`pwd`/esp-idf

2.2 Compile & Upload

$ cd esp-idf/examples/20_ext_wakeup
$ make menuconfig
$ make flash


#define DEEP_SLEEP_PD_NORMAL         BIT(0)   /* Base deep sleep mode */
#define DEEP_SLEEP_PD_RTC_PERIPH     BIT(1)   /* Power down RTC peripherals */
#define DEEP_SLEEP_PD_RTC_SLOW_MEM   BIT(2)   /* Power down RTC SLOW memory */
#define DEEP_SLEEP_PD_RTC_FAST_MEM   BIT(3)   /* Power down RTC FAST memory */

 * @brief Prepare for entering sleep mode
 * @param deep_slp   DEEP_SLEEP_PD_ flags combined with OR (DEEP_SLEEP_PD_NORMAL must be included)
 * @param cpu_lp_mode  for deep sleep, should be 0
void rtc_slp_prep_lite(uint32_t deep_slp, uint32_t cpu_lp_mode);

#define RTC_EXT_EVENT0_TRIG     BIT(0)
#define RTC_EXT_EVENT1_TRIG     BIT(1)
#define RTC_GPIO_TRIG           BIT(2)          /* Only available in light sleep */
#define RTC_TIMER_EXPIRE        BIT(3)
#define RTC_SDIO_TRIG           BIT(4)
#define RTC_MAC_TRIG            BIT(5)
#define RTC_UART0_TRIG          BIT(6)
#define RTC_UART1_TRIG          BIT(7)
#define RTC_TOUCH_TRIG          BIT(8)                                 
#define RTC_SAR_TRIG            BIT(9)                                 
#define RTC_BT_TRIG             BIT(10)                                

 * @brief Enter sleep mode for given number of cycles
 * @param cycles_h  higher 32 bit part of number of slow clock cycles
 * @param cycles_l  lower 32 bit part of number of slow clock cycles
 * @param wakeup_opt  wake up reason to enable (RTC_xxx_TRIG flags combined with OR)
 * @param reject_opt  reserved, should be 0
 * @return TBD
uint32_t rtc_sleep(uint32_t cycles_h, uint32_t cycles_l, uint32_t wakeup_opt, uint32_t reject_opt);

typedef enum {
    RTC_GPIO0_SEL = BIT(0),
    RTC_GPIO1_SEL = BIT(1),
    RTC_GPIO2_SEL = BIT(2),
    RTC_GPIO3_SEL = BIT(3),
    RTC_GPIO4_SEL = BIT(4),
    RTC_GPIO5_SEL = BIT(5),
    RTC_GPIO6_SEL = BIT(6),
    RTC_GPIO7_SEL = BIT(7),
    RTC_GPIO8_SEL = BIT(8),
    RTC_GPIO9_SEL = BIT(9),
    RTC_GPIO10_SEL = BIT(10),
    RTC_GPIO11_SEL = BIT(11),
    RTC_GPIO12_SEL = BIT(12),
    RTC_GPIO13_SEL = BIT(13),
    RTC_GPIO14_SEL = BIT(14),
    RTC_GPIO15_SEL = BIT(15),
    RTC_GPIO16_SEL = BIT(16),
    RTC_GPIO17_SEL = BIT(17)
} rtc_gpio_sel_t;

void rtc_pads_muxsel(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_funsel(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_slpsel(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);

void rtc_pads_hold(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_pu(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_pd(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_slpie(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_slpoe(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);
void rtc_pads_funie(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t set);

 * Using the EXT_WAKEUP0 slot. So you need to enable the RTC_EXT_EVENT0_TRIG
 * in rtc_sleep()
 * rtc_io_num is the number of rtc_pad. e.g. The number of RTC_GPIO5 is 5
 * wakeup_level = 0: external wakeup at low level
 * wakeup_level = 1: external wakeup at high level
void rtc_pad_ext_wakeup(rtc_gpio_sel_t rtc_io_sel, uint8_t rtc_io_num, uint8_t wakeup_level);

4 Code

void deep_sleep_ext_wakeup(uint8_t rtc_gpio_num)
    if (esp_get_deep_sleep_wake_stub() == NULL) {

    rtc_pad_ext_wakeup(1 << rtc_gpio_num, rtc_gpio_num, 1);
    //REG_SET_BIT(RTC_IO_ADC_PAD_REG, RTC_IO_ADC1_SLP_IE);  /* fixed bug of rtc_pad_slpie() for RTC_GPIO4 */
    REG_SET_BIT(RTC_IO_ADC_PAD_REG, RTC_IO_ADC2_SLP_IE);    /* fixed bug of rtc_pad_slpie() for RTC_GPIO5 */

    rtc_slp_prep_lite(0x1, 0);

    rtc_sleep(0, 0, RTC_EXT_EVENT0_TRIG, 0);

    while (1) {

5 Reference

For more information please refer to

