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(以“打开串口写之后,reset 之时不停 Ctrl + c 可进入 CFE: <source lang=bash> CFE mem: 0x00F00000 - 0x0179FE38 (9043512) Data: 0x00F58390 - 0x00F58...”为内容创建页面)
第2行: 第2行:
<source lang=bash>
<source lang=bash>
CFE version v1.0.4
BSP: (r415984) based on BBP 1.0.37 for BCM947XX (32bit,SP,)
Build Date: Wed Apr 30 18:03:21 CST 2014 (szy@shenzhiyong-ct)
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Broadcom Corporation.
Init Arena
Init Devs.
Boot up from NOR flash...
Boot partition size = 262144(0x40000)
Can't find nandflash! ccrev = 42, chipst= 0
DDR Clock: 800 MHz
Info: DDR frequency set from clkfreq=1000,*800*
et0: Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller (r415984)
CPU type 0x0: 1000MHz
Tot mem: 262144 KBytes
CFE mem:    0x00F00000 - 0x0179FE38 (9043512)
CFE mem:    0x00F00000 - 0x0179FE38 (9043512)
Data:      0x00F58390 - 0x00F588C8 (1336)
Data:      0x00F58390 - 0x00F588C8 (1336)

2014年6月5日 (四) 19:58的最后版本

打开串口写之后,reset 之时不停 Ctrl + c 可进入 CFE:

CFE version v1.0.4
BSP: (r415984) based on BBP 1.0.37 for BCM947XX (32bit,SP,)
Build Date: Wed Apr 30 18:03:21 CST 2014 (szy@shenzhiyong-ct)
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Broadcom Corporation.

Init Arena
Init Devs.
Boot up from NOR flash...
Boot partition size = 262144(0x40000)
Can't find nandflash! ccrev = 42, chipst= 0 
DDR Clock: 800 MHz
Info: DDR frequency set from clkfreq=1000,*800*
et0: Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller (r415984)
CPU type 0x0: 1000MHz
Tot mem: 262144 KBytes

CFE mem:    0x00F00000 - 0x0179FE38 (9043512)
Data:       0x00F58390 - 0x00F588C8 (1336)
BSS:        0x00F588D8 - 0x00F9DE38 (284000)
Heap:       0x00F9DE38 - 0x0179DE38 (8388608)
Stack:      0x0179DE38 - 0x0179FE38 (8192)
Text:       0x00F00000 - 0x00F4CCC4 (314564)
Boot:       0x017A0000 - 0x017E0000
Reloc:      I:00000000 - D:00000000

Device eth0:  hwaddr 8C-BE-BE-20-B7-48, ipaddr, mask
        gateway not set, nameserver not set
Startup canceled
xiaomi> ^C
xiaomi> ^C
xiaomi> ^C
xiaomi> printenv 
Variable Name        Value
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
BOOT_CONSOLE         uart0
CFE_VERSION          1.0.37
CFE_MEMORYSIZE       262144
NET_DEVICE           eth0
STARTUP              go;
*** command status = 0
xiaomi> help
Available commands:

nvram               NVRAM utility.
reboot              Reboot.
set console         Change the active console device
loop                Loop a command
nandboot            SPI flash copy and jump to nand flash
flash               Update a flash memory device
memtest             Test memory.
f                   Fill contents of memory.
e                   Modify contents of memory.
d                   Dump memory.
u                   Disassemble instructions.
batch               Load a batch file into memory and execute it
go                  Verify and boot OS image.
boot                Load an executable file into memory and execute it
load                Load an executable file into memory without executing it
save                Save a region of memory to a remote file via TFTP
ping                Ping a remote IP host.
arp                 Display or modify the ARP Table
ifconfig            Configure the Ethernet interface
show clocks         Show current values of the clocks.
show heap           Display information about CFE's heap
show memory         Display the system physical memory map.
show devices        Display information about the installed devices.
unsetenv            Delete an environment variable.
printenv            Display the environment variables
setenv              Set an environment variable.
help                Obtain help for CFE commands

For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'
*** command status = 0
xiaomi> help boot


     Load an executable file into memory and execute it


     boot [-options] host:filename|dev:filename
     This command loads and executes a program from a boot device
     By default, 'boot' will load a raw binary at virtual 
     address 0x20000000 and then jump to that address


     -elf         Load the file as an ELF executable
     -srec        Load the file as ASCII S-records
     -raw         Load the file as a raw binary
     -z           Load compessed file
     -loader=*    Specify CFE loader name
     -tftp        Load the file using the TFTP protocol
     -fatfs       Load the file from a FAT file system
     -rawfs       Load the file from an unformatted file system
     -fs=*        Specify CFE file system name
     -max=*       Specify the maximum number of bytes to load (raw only)
     -addr=*      Specify the load address (hex) (raw only)
     -noclose     Don't close network link before executing program

*** command status = 0

xiaomi> show memory
Range Start  Range End    Range Size     Description
------------ ------------ -------------- --------------------
000000000000-000000EFFFFF (000000F00000) DRAM (available)
0000017A0000-00000FFFFFFF (00000E860000) DRAM (available)
*** command status = 0
xiaomi> show devices
Device Name          Description
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
uart0                NS16550 UART at 0x18000300
uart1                NS16550 UART at 0x18000400
flash0               ST Compatible Serial flash size 16384KB
flash0.boot          ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00000000 size 256KB
flash0.trx           ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00040000 size 1KB
flash0.os            ST Compatible Serial flash offset 0004001C size 3072KB
flash0.trx2          ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00340000 size 1KB
flash0.os2           ST Compatible Serial flash offset 0034001C size 3072KB
flash0.trx3          ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00640000 size 1KB
flash0.squashfs      ST Compatible Serial flash offset 0064001C size 8832KB
flash0.overlay       ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00EE0000 size 1024KB
flash0.board_data    ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00FE0000 size 64KB
flash0.nvram         ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00FF0000 size 64KB
flash1.boot          ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00000000 size 256KB
flash1.trx           ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00040000 size 3072KB
flash1.trx2          ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00340000 size 3072KB
flash1.squashfs      ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00640000 size 8832KB
flash1.overlay       ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00EE0000 size 1024KB
flash1.board_data    ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00FE0000 size 64KB
flash1.nvram         ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00FF0000 size 64KB
eth0                 Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller
*** command status = 0


 bootargs: boot -raw -z -addr=0x8000 -max=0xef8000 flash0.os:

flag_tftp_bootup=on 时启动参数为:

 kernel: boot -raw -z -addr=0x8000 -max=0x800000

boot_wait=on 时启动参数为:

 Loader:raw Filesys:tftp Dev:eth0 File: Options:(null)

