来自Jack's Lab
2019年10月28日 (一) 14:55Comcat (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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1 Overview


  • ARM Cortex-M+ @ 25 MHz
  • Crystalless USB w/ built-in 3.3V regulator for minimal part count
  • 64/32 kB flash, 8/4 kB RAM
  • Capacitive touch sensors
  • Super low-power

2 QuickStart

3 OpenOCD


 ../../../nodetao/toolchain/openocd/bin/openocd.exe -f interface/stlink.cfg -f aet1-flash.conf

4 Basic

4.1 Flashing the toboot

Brand-new EFM32HG will not have Toboot installed. Instead, they might have the SiLabs AN0042 bootloader.

The recommend way to load the bootloader onto a Chip is using a Raspberry Pi with OpenOCD. Instructions for doing this can be found in the openocd directory. You need OpenOCD version 0.10.0 or later to have EFM32HG support.

Tomu can be powered using the 3.3V pin, so you can create a sort of "programming wand" by bringing 3.3V, GND, SCK, and SIO out to a 0.1" header, running openocd in a loop, and touching the programming pins on the side of a Tomu board. The process only takes a few seconds, so contact doesn't have to be great.

4.2 Install dfu-util

The dfu-util suite of programs is used to talk to Toboot

Ubuntu and Debian

 sudo apt-get install dfu-util

Create /etc/udev/rules.d/10-tomu.rules and populate it with the following:

 ATTRS{idProduct}=="70b1", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", MODE="777"
 (Note: you can give it a more restrictive mode if you also give it a group that you’re in)


Download dfu-util-static.exe from the dfu-util repository and rename it to dfu-util.exe. Place it somewhere in your $PATH for convenience. To build examples, you’ll also want to get dfu-suffix.exe and put it in your $PATH.


Install Homebrew and run:

 brew install dfu-util

