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2021年2月3日 (三) 17:54Comcat (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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1 F1C100s Overview

  • ARM926-EJS, up to 900MHz
  • 32KB I-Cache, 16KB D-Cache, 5-stage pipeline
  • 32MB SiP DDR1 (F1C200s is 64MB SiP DDR1)
  • RGB LCD interface
  • USB 2.0 OTG
  • SDIO
  • SPI x2
  • TWI x3
  • UART x3
  • TV out x 1, TV in x 2

  • PWM x2
  • LRADC x1
  • Speaker x2 + Mic x1


2 Roadmap


3 Pinmap


4 Typical App


5 Quick Start

5.1 荔枝派 Pin Map


  • UART0
    • UART0_RX --- PE0
    • UART0_TX --- PE1
    • dtb 中默认系统启动的串口 serial0:115200n8

  • SPI1
    • PA0 - SPI1_CS
    • PA1 - SPI1_MOSI
    • PA2 - SPI1_SCK
    • PA3 - SPI1_MISO

  • USB
    • 右上角,PCLK 右边为 USB_DM (D-)
    • 右上角,PCLK 左边为 USB_DP (D+)

  • GPIO
    • PCLK --- PE2
    • VSYNC --- PE1
    • HSYNC --- PE0


5.2 Toolchain

$ wget http://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries/7.2-2017.11/arm-linux-gnueabi/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabi.tar.xz
$ tar -vxJf gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabi.tar.xz

$ git clone -b f1c100s-spiflash https://github.com/Icenowy/sunxi-tools.git
$ cd sunxi-tools
$ make && sudo make install

如果出现:fel_lib.c:26:20: fatal error: libusb.h: No such file or directory,那需要安装libusb:

 sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev


新到的一片 Nano ,基本上是上电无反应的,LCD亮但无内容,此时 Nano 自动进入fel下载模式,可以通过命令 sudo sunxi-fel ver 来确认有无成功进入fel模式。


# 1.以 uboot file-with-spl形式进行(单次运行,测试时个人推荐)
$ sunxi-fel uboot /your/path/to/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin  # 请自行修改到本机地址

# 2.烧进 spi-flash (开机自启)
$ sunxi-fel -p spiflash-write 0 /your/path/to/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin
# note: 重新烧录或重进fel模式时,请在上电时拉低SPI flash 的 CS引脚

# 查看芯片信息
$ sudo sunxi-fel ver
AWUSBFEX soc=00001663(F1C100s) 00000001 ver=0001 44 08 scratchpad=00007e00 00000000 00000000

# 列出所有芯片的信息
$ sudo sunxi-fel -l

# 加载并执行 uboot 的 spl
$ sudo sunxi-fel spl [文件名]

# 把文件内容写入内存指定地址(-p 是显示写入进度) 
$ sudo sunxi-fel -p write [地址] [文件名]

# 调用指定地址的函数
$ sudo sunxi-fel exec [地址]

# 显示spiflash的信息
$ sudo sunxi-fel spiflash-info

# 读取spiflash指定地址的数据并写入到文件
$ sudo sunxi-fel spiflash-read [地址] [长度] [存放数据的文件路径]

# 写入指定文件的指定长度的内容到spiflash的指定地址
$ sudo sunxi-fel spiflash-write [地址] [长度] [存放数据的文件路径]

5.3 U-Boot

$ git clone https://github.com/Lichee-Pi/u-boot.git
$ cd u-boot
# 切换到 Nano 分支
$ git checkout nano-v2018.01
# 此处告知make采用arm-linux-gnueabi下的所有交叉编译工具,目标架构为Arm,设定各项默认配置为 nano 的spiflash支持版
# 若不带spi-flash的板子,请换成 licheepi_nano_defconfig
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- licheepi_nano_spiflash_defconfig
  sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

5.4 Linux Kernel

$ git clone https://github.com/Icenowy/linux.git

$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
# 添加下面两行  github.com github.global.ssl.fastly.net

# 可自行通过dns检测网站检测github.global.ssl.fastly.net,更换为更快的ip地址
# 完整拉取linux极大,建议只拉取单层分支,减少等待时间:
$ git clone --depth=1 -b f1c100s-480272lcd-test https://github.com/Icenowy/linux.git

.config: http://dl.sipeed.com/LICHEE/Nano/SDK/config http://nano.lichee.pro/_static/step_by_step/lichee_nano_linux.config

$ make ARCH=arm menuconfig
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- -j8    #请自行修改编译线程数

6 Boot

After power-up, the F1C100s starts to fetch instructions from address 0xFFFF_0000 which is where the BROM is located at. It's an internal integrated 32 KB ROM Chip (Boot ROM or BROM).

The BROM split up into two parts: The first part (at 0xFFFF_0000) is the FEL mode and the second is the eGON.BRM (located at 0xFFFF_4000).

The reset vector is located at the very begining of FEL mode: at address 0xFFFF_0000. On reset, it jumps to 0xFFFF_0028 where it loads 0xFFFF_4000 (eGON.BRM) into the program counter to be executed next.

6.1 eGON Boot

The eGON Boot ROM performs a few tasks:

  1. do some co-processor setup (c15, (virtual) System Control Coprocessor).
  2. disables the WatchDog Timer
  3. setups CPU, AXI, AHB and APB0 clocks
  4. enables AHB Gating
  5. enables APB0 Gating
  6. sets the Stack Pointer to 32K
  7. then it jumps to 'boot' which immediately jumps to check_uboot
  8. check_uboot setups up some registers, then checks the status pin (often called FEL pin, BSP pin or uboot)
    1. if the pin is low (connected to GND) executes FEL mode at 0xFFFF_0020.
    2. If the pin is high it continues trying to boot from the following media and on failure continues to the next in order.
      1. SD Card0 also known as MMC0
      2. Internal NAND flash also known as NAND
      3. SD Card2 also known as MMC2
      4. SPI connected NOR flash also known as SPI
      5. If all fails, FEL/USB Boot mode is executed from 0xFFFF_0020

As can be seen, the SoC has several ways to boot and a lot would need to go wrong or 'fail' before entering FEL mode. This is especially important if there is a valid header in the NAND flash. Obviously this can be abused, by corrupting the header and thus forcing failure. If no other boot options are available, then FEL mode should be the final result. As a bypass mechanism, the A10 has the so called Boot Select Pin (BSP). This pin is normally internally pulled up by a 50KΩ resistor. If the pin is pulled low to GND, the A10 will try to boot into FEL mode. Otherwise the above boot-order will be tried.

boot-> check fel key pressed (yes)--> FEL mode (boot from USB OTG)
                      (no) \
                            \-------> 1) try to boot from SMHC0 (SD card)
                                      2) try to boot from SMHC2 (eMMC)
                                      3) try to boot from SPI0 (SPI NOR Flash)
                                      4) FEL mode (boot from USB OTG)

6.2 FEL mode

  • 短接 flash 的 1、4 两脚,重新上电,上电后松开短接,即可重新进入 fel 模式
  • 在启动到内核前,回车进入 uboot,执行 sf probe 0;sf erase 0 0x100000;reset 即可重新进入 fel 模式

6.3 Reference

7 Reference

