Noduino OpenLight CN

来自Jack's Lab
跳转到: 导航, 搜索
(LED 灯珠)
(LED 灯珠)
第471行: 第471行:
* 高于开启电压,LED 发光, 开启电压对不同 LED 其值不同,GaAs 为 1V,红色 GaAsP 为 1.2V,GaP 为 1.8V,GaN 为 2.5V
* 高于开启电压,LED 发光, 开启电压对不同 LED 其值不同,GaAs 为 1V,红色 GaAsP 为 1.2V,GaP 为 1.8V,GaN 为 2.5V
* 随着电压升高,电流指数增大。。。
* 随着电压升高,电流指数级增大。。。
* 温度越高,开启电压越低,上述伏安曲线图,整体向左平移。。。
* 温度越高,开启电压越低,上述伏安曲线图,整体向左平移。。。

2021年1月26日 (二) 10:54的版本


1 概述

OpenLight 球泡灯:


OpenLight 独立控制器:



2 Quick Start



  • 灯通电,等待 8 s左右
  • 灯在红色渐变,表示灯在等待配网
  • 如果不在红色渐变,请开关三次(开 – 灯亮 – 关,重复三次),可进入红色渐变等待配网状态
  • 手机连接 WiFi 路由,微信扫描右侧二维码,点击 ”配置设备上网“
  • 按提示输入 WiFi 密码,点 “连接”,等待配网完成(注意,设备不支持 5G WiFi,只支持 2.4G;另外企业级安全认证也不支持)
  • WiFi 配置完成后,微信自动进入局域网发现设备模式,其会列出设备列表
  • 点击第一个设备,进入页面,在页面最下面会有 “绑定设备” 按钮 (如果已经绑定过改设备,最下面的按钮为“进入公众号”),点击按钮,完成设备绑定
  • 完成后,点“进入公众号”,在公众号菜单的 “智能设备”,即可列出你绑定的所有设备,点一个设备,即可进入设备控制页


  • 其他人需要控制设备,需要先连接到同样的路由器,在设备通电的情形下,扫描同样的二维码,点“设备已联网,跳过此步”,直接“发现”、“绑定设备” 即可在公众号菜单“智能设备里控制
  • 灯泡要迁移到其他的路由,可开关三次,扫描二维码配一下网络即可,无需再绑定
  • 灯泡从家移到公司,找不到原来的路由会自动进入等待配网状态(红色渐变),扫描二维码配一下网络即可
  • 开关 6次(开 – 灯亮 – 关,重复 6次),可恢复出厂设置

3 Open API

Afer you guys 'Link Device' in WeChat, Enter Official Account:

  • click "Devices" to list your binding devices
  • select your OpenLight in the list, enter control page, click upright corner, then Copy URL
  • paste the URL into web browser (Chrome or Safari) to access the control page in browser
  • check the source code of the page to get the following variables:

var devid = YOUR_DEVICE_ID;
var mqtt_uname = xxxxxxxx;
var mqtt_pass = TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT;                           < ---- 3600s life time
var mqtt_server =;
var mqtt_port = xxx;

3.1 node.js

Prepare the node.js:

# download the node-v6.9.1-xxx.tgz from
$ tar xf node-v6.9.1-*.tar.xz
$ sudo cp -a node-v6.9.1*/*  /usr/local/
$ sudo npm install -g MQTTClient
$ sudo npm install -g request

3.1.1 Turn Off

Using the node.js to switch off the OpenLigh:

$ cat light-off.js
#! /usr/bin/env node

var opt = {
    username: "YOUR_mqtt_uname",
    password: ""
var http_req = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/request');
	{ json: {user_id: opt.username} },
	function (error, response, body) {
		if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

			opt.password = body.user_token;

			var MQTTClient = require('MQTTClient').Client;
			var client = new MQTTClient('', 1883, opt);
			client.connect(function () {
				console.log("connect ok!");

				var pubopt = {
					qos_level:  2

				var state = {
					on: 0          <---- off
				var data = '{"m":"set", "d":{' + '"s":' + state.on + '}}';
				client.publish('app2dev/YOUR_DEVICE_ID', data, pubopt, function (message_id) {
					console.log("public ok! message_id = " + message_id);
		} else {
			console.log("Request the user token failed");

$ ./light-off.js

3.1.2 Turn On

Turn on the OpenLight:

$ cat light-on.js
#! /usr/bin/env node

var opt = {
    username: "YOUR_mqtt_uname",
    password: ""
var http_req = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/request');
	{ json: {user_id: opt.username, app_id:"mj2030064278", app_key:"0077d4829f52b1b2d668f8a82c5f5ded"} },
	function (error, response, body) {
		if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

			opt.password = body.user_token;

			var MQTTClient = require('MQTTClient').Client;
			var client = new MQTTClient('', 1883, opt);
			client.connect(function () {
				console.log("connect ok!");

				var pubopt = {
					qos_level:  2

				var state = {
					on: 1          <---- on
				var data = '{"m":"set", "d":{' + '"s":' + state.on + '}}';
				client.publish('app2dev/YOUR_DEVICE_ID', data, pubopt, function (message_id) {
					console.log("public ok! message_id = " + message_id);
		} else {
			console.log("Request the user token failed");

$ ./light-on.js

3.1.3 Setup Color

Change the color of the OpenLight:

$ cat light-color.js
#! /usr/bin/env node

var opt = {
    username: "YOUR_mqtt_uname",
    password: ""

var http_req = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/request');
	{ json: {user_id: opt.username, app_id:"mj2030064278", app_key:"0077d4829f52b1b2d668f8a82c5f5ded"} },
	function (error, response, body) {
		if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

			opt.password = body.user_token;

			var MQTTClient = require('MQTTClient').Client;
			var client = new MQTTClient('', 1883, opt);
			client.connect(function () {
				console.log("connect ok!");

				var pubopt = {
					qos_level:  2

				var state = {
					red: 0,
					green: 0,
					blue: 255,     <--------- outputting full power of the blue channel
					white: 0,
					on: 1

				data = '{"m":"set", "d":{' + '"r":' + + ',"g":' +
					       + ',"b":' + + ',"w":' + state.white
					       + ',"s":' + state.on + '}}';
				client.publish('app2dev/YOUR_DEVICE_ID', data, pubopt, function (message_id) {
					console.log("public ok! message_id = " + message_id);
		} else {
			console.log("Request the user token failed");

$ ./light-color.js

3.1.4 FAQ

If you get the following error:

		throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');

Error: user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer

Please patch the /usr/local/lib/node_modules/MQTTClient/client.js to remove the line of checking the length of username and password:

--- a/client.js
+++ b/client.js
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ var Client = exports.Client = function (host, port, options) {
                options.alive_timer = 30;
        options.ping_timer = parseInt(options.alive_timer * 0.6 * 1000);
        // 用户名和密码
-       if (typeof options.username == 'string' && options.username.length > 12)
-               throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
-       if (typeof options.password == 'string' && options.password.length > 12)
-               throw Error('passwords are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
+       //if (typeof options.username == 'string' && options.username.length > 12)
+       //      throw Error('user names are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
+       //if (typeof options.password == 'string' && options.password.length > 12)
+       //      throw Error('passwords are kept to 12 characters or fewer');
        // Will flag
        if (options.will_flag && (typeof options.will_topic != 'string' || typeof options.will_message != 'string'))
                throw Error('missing will_topic or will_message when will_flag is set');

3.2 HTML5

The device control page in WeChat is a H5 page. Using a MQTT client implement in javascript , using the mqttws31.js library:

var client_id = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000, 10) + '_' + mqtt_uname;
var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(mqtt_server, mqtt_port, "/mqtt", client_id);
function failConnect(e) {
	console.log("connect failed");
	console.log("reconnecting ...");
	client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
function onConnect() {
	console.log("onConnect OK!");
	subscribe('dev2app/' + devid);
function subscribe(topic) {
function onMessageArrived (message) {
	console.log("Arrived Message: [", message.payloadString, "]");
	try {
		job = JSON.parse(message.payloadString);
		set = job.d;
	} catch(e) {
		console.log("JSON object error!");
		alert("JSON error, RX data is: " + message.payloadString);
	if(job.m == 'set' || job.m == 'status') {
		//console.log("set ui state");
	if(job.m == 'offline') {
function onDisConnect() {
	console.log("reconnecting ...");
	client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
function mqtt_publish(msg){
	var topic = 'app2dev/' + devid;
	message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(msg);
	message.destinationName = topic;
	console.log("publish message: " + msg);
function mqtt_init() {
	client.connect({userName: mqtt_uname, password: mqtt_pass, onSuccess:onConnect, onFailure: failConnect, mqttVersion:3});
	client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
	client.onConnectionLost = onDisConnect;

4 极客定制

4.1 编译固件

获取 noduino-sdk:

$ git clone --recursive git:// noduino-sdk

生成 toolchain (you need Python 2.7):

$ cd noduino-sdk/toolchain
$ ./


$ cd ../sketch/open-light
$ make

4.2 烧写固件

4.2.1 Serial

Prepare a USB2UART board, something like FT232RL or CP2102/CP2104:


Upload firmware throught serial for OpenLight Bulb:


Upload firmware throught serial for OpenLight Controller:


  • USB2UART_GND ------> SmartNode_GPIO0 / Bulb_GPIO0
  • USB2UAR_GND -----> SmartNode_GND / Bulb_GND
  • USB2UAR_RXD -----> SmartNode_TX / Bulb_TX
  • USB2UAR_TXD -----> SmartNode_RX / Bulb_TX

Connect USB2UAR_VCC3.3 -----> SmartNode_VCC / Bulb_3V3 at last

ESP8285 will be enter upload mode, we can upload the compiled firmware through serial using following commands in Linux:

$ cd /path/to/noduino-sdk/sketch/open-light
$ make produce ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1

In windows:

$ make produce ESPPORT=COM7

COM7 is your USB2UART device

In MAC OS, maybe it's:

$ make produce ESPPORT=/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART is your USB2UART device

4.2.2 Online


  • Username: noduino
  • password: noduino1234

Click the "Add files", select the user1.bin and user2.bin located in /path/to/noduino-sdk/sketch/open-light/build/

Then click "Start upload" to upload the user1.bin and user2.bin into the server temporaily

5 硬件原理

5.1 LED 灯珠

OpenLight 铝基板上,LED 灯珠默认布局为:

  • Red LED 6 颗串联,正极接 12V,负极接控制板 R (MY9291 之 OUTA)
  • Green LED 4 颗串联,正极接 12V,负极接控制板 G (MY9291 之 OUTB)
  • Blue LED 4 颗串联,正极接 12V,负极接控制板 B (MY9291 之 OUTC)
  • White LED x8 (4 颗串联为一组, 2 组并联,正极接 12V,负极接控制板 W (MY9291 之 OUTC))

LED 灯珠 (5730) 单颗特性为:

  • 尺寸 5.7 x 3.0 mm
  • 最大电流 150mA (0.5W)
  • VF 为 3.0 - 3.4V (Red LED为 2.0 - 2.2V)
  • 亮度 50 - 55 lm

LED 灯珠其实就是一个二极管,只要有一个正向导通电压 (VF) 就能发光,一般为 2 - 3.5V,低于此电压灯珠不能发光,高于此电压,灯珠会烧坏。

LED 伏安特性:


  • 高于开启电压,LED 发光, 开启电压对不同 LED 其值不同,GaAs 为 1V,红色 GaAsP 为 1.2V,GaP 为 1.8V,GaN 为 2.5V
  • 随着电压升高,电流指数级增大。。。
  • 温度越高,开启电压越低,上述伏安曲线图,整体向左平移。。。

>> 控制灯珠亮度的,是电流大小,因此调光灯实际调得是电流的大小。电流超过额定电流,会加速灯珠老化,缩短灯珠寿命:

OpenLight 16W 3200K 白光吸顶盘实测:

  • RGBW = 255, 四路电压 11.50V; 11.5V/4 = 2.875V
  • RGBW = 186, 四路电压 11.08V
  • RGBW = 125, 四路电压 10.50V
  • RGBW = 051, 四路电压 09.86V
  • RGBW = 005, 四路电压 09.43V; 9.43V/4 = 2.35V

5.2 FP7102

  • 输入电压:3.6V ~ 28V
  • 输出电压:2V ~ 25V
  • 输出电流:2A
  • 效率:93%
  • 工作频率:320KHZ
  • 内置MOS为低内阻 PMOS
  • 4mA 超低工作电流
  • 内置:过温,过流,软起动保护

FP7102 datasheet

5.3 MY9291

OpenLight 采用台湾明阳 4 通道恒流 LED 驱动芯片,控制 R, G, B, W 四路 LED 灯珠

  • 3.3 - 5V 电源电压范围(±10%)
  • 每个通道 5 - 350 mA 恒流输出范围
  • 可承受最大输出电压 24V,支持多颗 LED 串联
  • 外接器件少,仅需四个外接电组来设定四組恆流电流


电源为恒压源,可以多片级联,MCU 的控制线就两个:DI 和 DCK

  • 12V 电源的情形,如选用 VF 为 3V 左右的 LED 灯珠,则需要 4 颗串联,这样每颗灯珠分到电压为 3V 左右;2V 左右的灯珠,则需要 6 颗串联
  • 24V 电源,则 3V 灯珠 8 颗串联,2V 灯珠 12 颗串联
  • 6V 电源,则 3V 灯珠 2 颗串联,2V 灯珠 3 颗串联


MY9291 单路最大输出 350mA,为节约灯珠寿命,可限制通过灯珠的最大电流以节约灯珠寿命


 R = 380mV / Iout

满输出 350mA,则每路的限流电阻都得选为:1R,1/4 W 够用

OpenLight 球泡灯,R/G/B 选用电阻 4R7,限流为 81mA 左右,W 用两个 4R7 并联 2.35R 左右,限流为 162mA 左右。这样基本限制经过每颗 5730 (0.5W) 灯珠的电流为 80mA 左右,以延迟灯珠老化。这样整体功率被限制在 5W,如要增加亮度,可将这 5 个 4R7 电阻替换为 3R0,可将输出功率增加到 7W


  • MY9231 3 通道恒流 LED 驱动芯片
  • MY9221 12 通道恒流 LED 驱动芯片

6 电源

6.1 12V

220V 转 12V 恒压电源模块,额定 12W,1A 电流输出

7 参考


